We’ll handle every technical requirement your hosts need, from temporary signal boosts and custom passwords, to security monitoring and live streaming.
Since our hotel network solutions are completely custom to your property, you’ll have the exact infrastructure you need to handle WiFi for your largest groups. And we’ll monitor your signal strength to ensure everything runs without a mark when every attendee logs on at once. But some hotels prefer to outsource it all to us. Because conferences require extra attention.
Your Dashboard provides an easy way to monitor and adjust network bandwidth for everyday use. But larger events often request complicated WiFi network upgrades and may require additional attention (Custom passwords, firewalls, IP addresses, etc.). Our Conference Management application allows you to outsource all your technical support to us. For one flat annual fee, we’ll handle every conference planner’s Internet needs so you can focus on the bigger picture.
The more data it collects, the better it will forecast the specific needs of your hotel. Your managed WiFi solutions will be customized to your exact property, and not some general industry statistic. Over time, you’ll be able to upgrade your system without over-investing in technology you may not need. Because you’ll know exactly what your guests require. The insights you receive are designed to protect the privacy of both you and your hotel guests. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of their habits without compromising the security and integrity of their stay.
We have used our extensive hotel experience to design a Conference Management application that puts conference room WiFi connectivity in the hands of you - the hotel management.
The moment you log in, you’ll a see room-by-room analysis and overall network health. If there’s an issue, we’ll know exactly where the problem is and how to fix it. We can even boost a nearby signal as a temporary patch. Our support team will handle most problems remotely. If an on-site correction is required, we’ll send a technician or walk you through a simple reset, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum guest satisfaction. Even if the problem is caused by your local internet provider, we’ll handle it all for you.
Here's a quick, sharable one-pager that details our Conference Management features.
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