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Generation X travelers, a demographic cohort within baby boomers and millennials born between 1965 and 1980, carry substantial weight in the hospitality and travel industry due to their unique characteristics and spending patterns.

Not only do they often have more financial stability and freedom than other demographics, providing greater disposable income for travel, but a large portion of Gen Xers have children, leading to family-oriented vacations.

While Generation X travel hasn’t been in the spotlight compared to other generations, these 40 to 50-year-old travelers have tremendous buying power worth tapping into. To highlight one of the highest spending travel cohorts, here we look at the 11 habits and trends shaping the travel behavior and preferences of Generation X.

1. Cultural and Educational Experiences

Generation X travel trends show that when planning extended trips and vacations, Generation X travelers tend to be drawn to cultural and educational experiences. These include activities such as visiting museums, historical sites, and participating in their destination’s local life.

In turn, these travelers value trips that lend to unique learning opportunities for themselves and their children — whether that includes authentic dining and trying local foods or visiting libraries and learning about different ways of life.

2. Family-Oriented Travel

A significant portion of Gen Xers have children at home, leading to a strong preference for family trips. Generation X travel habits show that Gen Xers often seek destinations and activities that can engage all family members, from young children to teenagers. Family packages and discounts, as well as kid-centric activities and amenities, are particularly appealing to this demographic.

Generation X travelers with families tend to prefer activities that offer a mix of adventure, education, cultural immersion, and relaxation, while ensuring that all family members, regardless of age, can participate and enjoy the experience.

3. Travel Frequency and Duration

Due to busy schedules balancing careers and family obligations, Generation X travel behavior shows that they tend to travel less frequently than other generations. When they do travel, however, Gen Xers take longer periods off. On average, Gen Xers take 26 vacation days per year — with nearly half of their holidays lasting more than seven days.

According to Avail, Generation X plans to travel the least compared to other generations, with only 76% of Gen Xers planning to increase or maintain their travel levels from previous years. These Generation X travel statistics are lower than Baby Boomers (77%), Gen Z (79%), and Millennials (84%). Despite these trends, Generation X travelers tend to spend the most on travel.

4. Spending Power

Generation X travelers tend to outspend other generations, often due to traveling with larger family groups. They value quality and are willing to pay for high-end accommodation and experiences. On average, Gen Xers spend $914 per trip when traveling.

Generation X’s willingness to spend more on accommodations, dining, and attractions indicates a sizable travel budget. They’re generally drawn to options that promise long-lasting memories or experiences that are perceived as high-quality, though they remain price-conscious and seek value for their money.

5. Price Sensitivity

Despite their overall buying power and industry influence, Gen X is quite price-sensitive and actively looks for deals and promotions — especially around holiday planning habits. They’re some of the most value-conscious consumers within the hospitality industry, balancing price considerations with a desire for quality experiences. This trend is especially true when it comes to family travel.

generation x travel habits

6. Rest and Relaxation

A primary motivation for Generation X travel behavior is to rest and de-stress. 68% of Gen Xers list rest as their main reason for travel, more than any other generation. They seek destinations that offer a break from their hectic lives and promote work-life balance.

As Generation X ages, reports indicate they’re becoming more conscious of the need to look after themselves and are taking opportunities to do so when they travel. In turn, there’s a significant opportunity for travel brands to engage Generation X by promoting wellness holidays, focusing on activities such as mindfulness exercises that can have lasting effects.

7. Technology Use

While Generation X is comfortable with technology, they are less dependent on it compared to younger generations such as Generation Z . They expect their personal devices to work when traveling, but are not as influenced by social media in their travel decisions.

While less reliant on smartphones, travel apps, and digital connectivity, Generation Xers are still technologically competent and they value amenities that use the latest tech in online booking, self-check-in, smart rooms, in-room entertainment, and bleisure travel.

8. Booking Preferences

Gen X prefers uncomplicated travel planning and values ease of booking and consistent communication. They are less likely to use travel agents and more likely to plan trips well in advance.

According to Travel Booster, offering loyalty programs and rewards that emphasize Generation X’s sense of stability and security can be a big win for hospitality providers. Similarly, providing clear and detailed information about travel options gives Generation X travelers peace of mind to plan and prepare accordingly.

generation x travel trends

9. Wellness Travel

Generation X shows a growing interest in wellness holidays, although their engagement with such trips is currently lower than younger generations like Gen Z travelers. According to the 2024 Global Travel Trends Report from American Express, 57% of travelers take vacations to prioritize wellness

It’s worth noting that prioritizing health, getting enough sleep, and taking time to rest are key points of emphasis that get overlooked by hospitality providers targeting older travelers.

10. Adventure Travel

Many Gen Xers were adventure travelers in their youth and continue to seek similar experiences that engage the whole family. Activities such as white-water rafting, jungle hikes, and water sports are particularly popular.

According to Mintel, there’s ample opportunity for travel and hospitality marketers to target Gen X with more adventurous activities and unfamiliar locales, especially for family trips with older children.

11. Impact of Economic Factors

The rising cost of living has impacted Generation X’s travel habits, making them more budget conscious. They are increasingly looking for travel deals and promotions to manage expenses without compromising on quality.

One report highlights that 63% of Generation X live with a spouse or partner, and 61% live with children. As a result, traveling with children often means higher costs and the need to travel during school holidays, which can shape how providers engage with Gen Xers.

Tapping Into Generation X Travel Trends

Generation X travelers are a crucial demographic for the travel and hospitality industry, characterized by their cultural and educational interests, family-oriented travel preferences, and influential spending power.

By understanding and catering to the unique needs and habits of Generation X travelers, hospitality providers and travel brands can effectively engage and attract this valuable market segment.

Hotels can achieve this by focusing on tech-centric solutions to better accommodate Generation X travelers, including safe and speedy hotel WiFi, contactless mobile check-ins, and other technology-driven amenities. For more information, contact Blueprint RF.

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